Sunday, October 9, 2011

Is this a Mustang or is this a jet ski?

Leaving Olathe KS, I did have some technical difficulties.  My hood scoop is currently off the hood.  I can't imagine what anybody was thinking when they saw me with a wrench under my hood taking it off.  Unfortunately the double sided tape that is used to hold it down came up.  This was causing the hood scoop to lift from the hood.  Somewhere between Olathe and Wichita, I found a Walmart, bought some tools that fit and took it off.  The pony looks a bit naked now, but at least I'm not in fear of it completely ripping off and going through the windshield or taking the hood of the car off with it.

After that 40 minute delay though I finally met up with some members of the Mustang club of Oklahoma at the last rest stop in Kansas.  From there we went to the Oklahoma welcome center and had our pictures taken in front of the Oklahoma sign.  We then proceeded to Route 66 famous barn and soda stop for more pictures then headed off to dinner. We were unfortunate to have some very bad weather on the way.

On the way to the restaurant (which I unfortunately cannot remember the name) the weather was scary.  I must say thank goodness for my SSBC Brakes!  There were walls of water coming up over the median on I-40 to the point that I couldn't see out of my windshield.  The Brakes worked very well for me when I most needed them!  Thank you SSBC!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Anyway, the dinner was good.  Thank you for the treat!  There was no cruise night planned so off to the hotel I went for a nice long slumber.    Thanks to Patty for putting this little get together on!

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